Note: This feature is currently only available in Beta. If you want to utilize it, make sure you are using our beta portal at

New Beta Release

SeatGeek Marketplace Indicators

We have added a new icon to the Pricing screen grids for SeatGeek. Many of you have probably noticed that SeatGeek has become a much larger player in the industry over the past year. This new indicator will help us ensure that your inventory is listed properly for the best chance of selling.
If you cannot see the new column in your grid, we recommend selecting the "Reset Grid Settings" option in the top-right user menu.

Bug Fixes

We have fixed the "Days Since Last Update" filter on the Pricing screen. This filter will now return events and listings containing tickets that have not had their price updated in a certain number of days or more.

Coming Soon

  • More exciting SeatGeek features
  • Mercury Purchasing